Chris Bakis, Featured Contributor

Chris started his training in Fitness and the Arts some thirty years ago. At fifteen years of age he entered his first dance class and instantaneously felt like he had come home. Since that time his professional and personal journey have seen him cross the globe many times.

Performing, Teaching and Choreographing in the USA, UK, France, Germany, Norway, Greece, The Philippines, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Fiji, Indonesia, Switzerland, New Zealand, Italy, The Former Yugoslavia, Romania and every state and territory of his beloved home land Australia.

Chris is featured in television series, commercials, musical theater and also teaches and choreographs. For a full CV visit

Chris says “I keep it simple stupid. The number one thing easiest is to cut out all carbs. This means pasta, breads, fried rice, fatty foods. When I say keep it simple stupid I cut everything back. My diet consists of fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, and protein at night. This protein can include a pieces of steak, some chicken with no skin, or eggs. A simple protein without and carbohydrates. The number one thing we do wrong in the West is combining carbohydrates with protein, like hamburgers. Hamburgers make a dangerous combination because it combines carbohydrates with the protein and that’s what puts on the weight. The number one thing I found over the years is that if you cut out carbohydrates, you start to lose weight and feel fitter and happier.”

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